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testing hair soap: experiences of a hairdresser
today, hair soap is all over the place. you find it at drugstores like dm, Rossmann or Budni. But is soap actually good for your hair? An experienced hairdresser tested our terrorists of beauty hai...

How to have a plastic-free Christmas?
Do you too think that plastic is not a nice gift for the environment? To celebrate Christmas without plastic, we've gathered here some simple but great ideas. Merry, plastic-free Christmas!

soap for hope ∴ this hand soap helps refugees in greece
We continue our Soap for Hope charity project! Soap for hope, our hand soap that cleans your hands and donates 1 euro to exceptional charity initiatives at the same time Our first edition o...

block zero: we make soap radically regional
Immer mehr Marken bieten – zum Glück – palmölfreie Seifen und Pflegeprodukte an. Im Gegenzug wächst aber der Hype um andere natürliche Öle und Fette, wie Kokosöl oder Sheabutter. Block Zero ist ein...