Der Haarseife Test: Erfahrungen eines Friseurs

testing hair soap: experiences of a hairdresser

today, hair soap is all over the place. you find it at drugstores like dm, Rossmann or Budni. But is soap actually good for your hair? An experienced hairdresser tested our terrorists of beauty hai...

crueltyfreekosmetik ohne tierversuche in der eu bürgerinitiative

Cosmetics without animal testing: we want europe to be cruelty free!

Our founder Natalie talks to Julia Radzwill, expert from Doctors Against Animal Experiments e.V., about the current European citizens' initiative against animal testing and on the status of animal...

covid19soap for hope: mit jeder Seife unterstützen wir Geflüchtete

soap for hope: with each soap we support refugees

Lesvos, Kara Tepe & Co: for a while the situation of refugees was omnipresent. But ever since corona conquered the world, public attention has shifted away from the external borders of the EU. Let’...

plastikfreidie Upcycling Seifenschale: nachhaltig hergestellt aus Plastikmüll

the upcycled soap dish, sustainably made from plastic waste

  We decided to take plastic waste recycling into our own hands. We want to bind at least a fraction of the plastic that exists in this world in a meaningful way: in the form of sustainable ...

covid19Covid: die Plastik Pandemie muss aufhören

Covid: let’s stop the plastic pandemic

The global fight against the Covid-19 virus has created a dramatic plastic waste time bomb for the oceans and the maritime ecosystems, which we only start to measure. Time is running out. The incre...

bathroomWie feiert man Weihnachten plastikfrei?

How to have a plastic-free Christmas?

Do you too think that plastic is not a nice gift for the environment? To celebrate Christmas without plastic, we've gathered here some simple but great ideas. Merry, plastic-free Christmas!

hand soapsoap for hope ∴ diese handseife hilft geflüchteten in griechenland

soap for hope ∴ this hand soap helps refugees in greece

We continue our Soap for Hope charity project! Soap for hope, our hand soap that cleans your hands and donates 1 euro to exceptional charity initiatives at the same time Our first edition o...

block zeroblock zero: wir machen seife radikal regional

block zero: we make soap radically regional

Immer mehr Marken bieten – zum Glück – palmölfreie Seifen und Pflegeprodukte an. Im Gegenzug wächst aber der Hype um andere natürliche Öle und Fette, wie Kokosöl oder Sheabutter. Block Zero ist ein...

bathroomplasticfree july

plastic-free july

Die Initiative Plastic-free July startete vor 10 Jahren und möchte Menschen helfen, plastikfreie Alternativen für einen Monat auszuprobieren, um danach im besten Falle genauso weiter zu leben. Als ...

soap for hope: von corona, eigeninitiative und existenzängsten

soap for hope: about corona, initiative, and existential fears

When the Corona virus bomb dropped, we were shook Everything started to be cancelled including a very important berlin cosmetics fair we had planned to exhibit in. Our sales dropped. Being fully s...

aus dem plastikmüll der schönheitsindustrie werden seifenhalter

Transforming Beauty Industry Plastic Into Natural Soap Holders

quality checking the new upcycled soap holders   The problem that fueled our natural soap brand, terrorists of beauty, is the fact that plastic pollution is a major byproduct of the beauty ind...

operation weihnachten: aufruf zur konsum-reduktion

Christmas Operation: Reduce Consumption

 Consumption goes through the roof at Christmas - it increases by 54 per cent. People spend themselves into debt while apparently 46% of people have lied about liking a gift. So we buy stuff ...

die drogerie der zukunft: alles für das zero-waste-badezimmer

Drugstore of the Future for the Zero Waste Bathroom

terrorists of beauty at the dockville festival   Have you ever seen how many products are sold in the drugstore? Shampoos, shower gels, conditioners, creams, toners, tinctures, balms, and loti...