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Care Set 001: Blemished or Oily Skin | pure plant power instead of harsh anti-acne treatments

Care Set 001: Blemished or Oily Skin | pure plant power instead of harsh anti-acne treatments

Say Goodbye to Blemishes or Acne
Natural anti-pimple care: Our Black Soap with activated charcoal and Facial Oil with Cumin work perfectly together to give you radiant, clear skin.
🧼 Black Soap: This handcrafted soap provides a deep cleanse without drying out your skin. Activated charcoal tackles impurities, while cedarwood oil delivers antibacterial benefits and helps regulate sebum production. The result? Clean, balanced, and refreshed skin. Learn more about the Black Soap here.
✨ Facial Oil with Black Cumin and Grapefruit: Cumin oil is highly effective at targeting pimples and acne, while soothing and nourishing your skin. The lightweight oil has been used in the Arab world for centuries as an effective, natural remedy for acne. It absorbs quickly without clogging pores, and grapefruit adds a refreshing, clarifying touch. Say goodbye to creams and harsh anti-acne products! Learn more about the Facial Oil here.
Try the set and experience the power of natural anti-pimple care!
💡 Pro tip: use the oil before facial cleansing to also remove makeup

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